Real Men Roll Dice
Your team has one of four 'Status'.
Continuing - keeping the team for next season
New team - retiring the old team and starting afresh
New Starter - brand new to the league.
Taking a break - you love bloodbowl, but sometimes you need time apart to remind yourself why rolling double skulls is such fun. You are not playing in the next season
Melbourne Bloodbowl League - Season 26 SIGN UP!
How do I update my team status?
Glad you asked. Preferably by emailing
However, if you yell loudly at the discord server a commissioner may hear you.
I would like to join your league and buy the commissioner with the least amount of hair a beer?
Drop an email to and we will get you signed up and added to the list.
Why aren't you using the MBBL website to host this information?
Ideally everything would be in one spot. Am having some issues getting the MBBL website to do what I want it to. So this is the interim measure. Don't judge me! Am only one man (technically three) trying to bring you guys bloodbowl in the best way possible.