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Arab Indian vs Vikings

The angry, and often poorly trained, Arab Indians.

Stuffs... so much stuffs. Impact all over the place, some evadable cavalry, bowmen and some heavy spear. I like this list, except for the lack of command. Each core has a lot going on and am not convinced that competent generals can cut it.

This is not the army I wanted to take. Have damaged the tendon in my right arm, so am limited to how much I can carry. So a smaller army was chosen. Looking back on it, am not sure I couldn't have managed another seven units in my tool box of armies. Seven units is really not that heavy! Anyway....

With the addition of missile support vikings are now a force to be reckoned with. Really wish they had a couple of bow to reach out and touch as the army really struggles vs bow cavalry. The current match up is not bad. The vikings can take anything in the Arab force head on. The issue will be getting flanked!

Vikings are defending. Rolled for a coast and a village.... got neither (sad face). A plantation and a field falls in the East part of the battlefield. The vikings only deploy two commands... where oh where is the third? Could it be flank marching? What are those markers in the plantation? Why is my rum and coke so empty?

Vikings! Low levels of alcohol reported behind friendly lines. Pretty sure I topped up as the game started, don't be concerned.

The Arab light horse investigated the ambush marker in the plantation (SURPRISE!) and found some impetuous medium foot and some light infantry javelin. It was at this moment the Viking General realised he had fecked up and managed to get himself into a mess. There were another four medium foot to be deployed and no room to form an intelligent line.

Question : The general is in the other ambush marker. Can he give orders BEFORE he is revealed?

We played it that he was 'off table' so giving orders to the unit of mediums would cost 2 pips. However am not so sure. It would have been so much better if I could have made some room before revealing the rest of the ambush.

Viking turn. Second ambush revealed and it is a cluster feck. Impetuous troops not in a line (more of a box) and the enemy about to get all up in their grill! This is not good. Rest of vikings move forward, not overly confident as their CnC seems to be a muppet.

Furious charge on Furious charge. Vikings down in both combats by one, but are elite... it does not go well and hits are placed on units behind as the fearless berserkers rout.... fearless....stoopid plantation. The field is looking like it will be held though, so winning there.

Am still kicking myself for this ambush decision? What was I hoping for?

Vikings drop off a unit in the far West... don't know why. There is no way he is chasing down that light barely pictured in the West. So what is he doing? Don't know. The second berserker falls in the plantation and things are not looking up for our heroes.

Battle is joined in the centre, vikings lose both of them and furious charge makes it that little bit worse. The battle for the plantation sees a swing as the vikings actually win something! Am Shocked, Stunned and Not a Little Amazed! I actually put my General into this battle. Can afford to lose the plantation and get hard flanked this early.

Both viking heavy sword in combat are of the non elite variety.

The West sees some combat. The vikings rout something in the plantation! Victory is ours! Oh wait, there is another bad guy still in plantation.... vikings hold the field at least.

Arab Indian bow in the West refused to die even after being two down to an elite two handed weapon angry Huscarl. Another viking in the far West was flanked charged by light horse javelin and dropped three levels?!Battle for the plantation has swun the vikings way! Field is still viking in case you cared. In fact the light javelin are starting to annoy the cavalry in front of them.

Vikings seem to have a gaping hole there. That is not good.

Combats lean a little towards the Viking side with the Arabs picking up a fair few markers. However, the Vikings are playing catch up from an earlier incident at the plantation.

This is really not good.

The Vikings need to do some work and they need to do it now. The fat lady has grabbed her pre-workout and is getting ready to go on stage.

Thank you pip gods! Arabs don't have enough pips to fully exploit their break though. They elect to take the plantation. This allows the elite Viking huscarl to finish off his cavalry opponent in piece. The centre sees two more Viking victories and the fat lady has to sit down, not her time yet!

In the far West the light horse withdraws slightly damaged.

More viking victories! The fat lady might have to call an Uber and go home without performing. There is currently on Viking left in the plantation versus one cavalry, two bow and two impetuous Arab foot. Time to place your bets on this outcome...

The plantation is lost.... the last viking hurling curses at his rapidly retreating general... Not only is the field still viking, a little light infantry ROCKSTAR hurls his javelin with all his might and takes out an Arab horse!

The battle in the West looks to be going the Vikings way, but some belligerent Arab bow refuses to die.


he Arab general wasn't wrapped when this occurred. However, there was no real reason for the medium cavalry to just stand here and get pelted turn after turn after turn. The cavalry could have withdrawn a few UD and waited to see if the lights were brave enough to come out...

Arab bow dies in the West, moments to late to prevent the incoming flank charge, but least the General will get away.

(sigh) Victory is short lived for the bow killing vikings, a flank charging cavalry ending their tea and scones victory party somewhat early. An Arab light horse flees the table in the West. The centre is starting to look very vikingie.

This is the Vikings last turn. The camp sacking is coming and the vikings will rout at the sight of it. So all vikings able to get into combat do so... except if you are in the field in the East. You have done nothing all game, why start now. Vikings put some pips down, but the Arabs don't break.

The camp is sacked, the Vikings howl of rage is almost as loud as the Arabs general as the last two combats see the vikings break the Arabs. MUTUAL DESTRUCTION! Yay! (kinda)

Elite Huscarls with the general in the front rank save the day! Save is probably the wrong word... make the day less embarrassing.

So.... where did that go wrong? I can think of three things. There was the decision to ambush in the plantation, there was also the decision to ambush in the plantation...and finally, the plantation, that decision was stoopid.

Was so excited to get my berserkers up close and personally didn't consider what would happen if I didn't get to spring the ambush on my own terms. Was a mess and I lost two elite units for nothing. Will now go and write on a chalk board 100 times "Ambushing is for sometimes!"



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