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Free Company Vs War of the Roses

Right, so after my Iphone updated it started to take photos HEIC format. Something about saving space or better

format, all seems well and good in theory. Except windows doesn't like the format and everything needs to be converted to jpg before I can add my stella touches. I'll be honest, my computer skills are mediocre at best. Anyway, did my best with some software. Enough whining! Onto the battle!

Seven foot knights, one not elite. Got to keep your memory about you for that bad boy. The elite lights are an interesting touch, and one that I need to invest in more. It paid off time and time again in this game. Two heavy knight impact for some furious charge and quick (ish) response. The damage dealers are the foot knights though. Final command can handle terrain, throw out some force projection. The medium sword mediocre I am not sold on. They don't really want to fight anything. I suppose at four points for three cohesion you can't expect much and they do bolster a small armies break point.

Speaking of small armies. I don't know about other people, but on more than one occasion I get an idea and then brute force the rest of the list to fit that idea. This time got excited by the Lancastrian option of Scott Allies. A wall of mediocre pike! Of course this meant I gave up on having any other light foot in my force.... nah it'll be fine. Micro command of all impact including the somewhat rate light horse impact, fan favourite for me. Then the strategist takes the field with a bit of everything, but the high points being the medium sword longbow and foot knights. Am a little ambivalent towards the billman, they are compulsory. The mediocre heavy spear are to bulk up the army and die slowly. With the lack of lights and fast moving troos, have fortified the camp to stop any four legged nasties making and end run

The pike wall with knight on the end. You can see my 'fortified' camp in the background, you can tell by the tiny spikes in front of it... didn't say it was WELL fortified.

Thanks to the strategist. I was able to pull two pieces of rough terrain into favourable positions. After failing to get a coast or a village. Looking closely you may notice that the Free company seems to be missing some troops. With no ambush markers... well we will look to the East in five days time and see who turns up.

With nothing slowing the English down, they send their micro command screaming down the West side of the battlefield. In the East the Free Company discovers a single light holding the hill. He is not keen on taking on two elites on his own and retreats.... reposistions.

I need to get better at math. I should be able to work out just how big the flank march is. Have diverted a (my only) impact knight to go have a look. He is pretty tough, but he is only one knight.

The Free Company looks so small..... I forget the rule about not move heavy foot 3UD unless in open. This is slowing my West advance.

Foot knight takes a hit... Protection three dropping to protection one due to the Firearm held by the elite light. Grrrr.

Currently my plan is to swing around and overwhelm with numbers. Elite foot knight will chop through mediocre pike. Foot knights are +1 and elite +.5. Mediocre pike are +2 and mediocre -.5. So its an even fight, but the foot knights win draws and get to engage armour when they lose and and hit harder when they win due to heavy weapon, but hey if the flank march doesn't turn up....

Foot knight takes another hit......... I am mildly displeased. English archers are unloading a barrage of fire from the field and are achieving nothing. Where is William Tell when you need him!

English turn and the archers achieve something! I could have marked it, but I feel they don't deserve the recognition for their overall poor performance. What? They only have like an 8% of hurting an elite foot knight? Pfft, never explain the odds to me, what about those two lights! That are also elite.... stoopid elite rule.

For all my complaining, things look pretty good, we should be able to take the Free Company from sheer weight of numbers. Just need to complete the wheel of heavy troops and off we go. Should be fine unless...

Wonder what day it is? On its the Free companies FOURTH day... dammit. I look to the East, and call my Legolas there is a bloody dust cloud. Something is coming, and I don't think it is friendly. Free company removes damage light. English longbows continue to bounce off Free Company armour. In the South East there is a light on light combat. Its a Draw!

Its no longer a draw and the English light runs like.... whats a fast moving English animal? One of those, google one. This is upsetting. However, the English wheel is complete and is read to start the stabby part of todays program.

With the reserves turning up, the Free company believes its go time in the East, it goes REALLY well for the English with three wins out of four! HA! Take that! However there is a swarm of medium troops coming over the hill. The English have nothing there to get them off the hill. The elite knight should be able to beat the pudding out of anything it can catch in the open... he just needs someone to conveniently stand in the open...

I wont complain about the English shooting. I don't care that it has achieved nothing, or that a free company light is just standing in the shade due to the sheer number of projectiles being thrown at him. Na ha, thats not me.

In the North a free company levy doesn't die to the impact charge of heavy cavalry with General, but is really not happy. The combat in the South flips and the Free Company takes three wins out of four. On the end of the line the Scottish allied General is now taking a huge amount of fire.

Free Company dies in the North. Free Company Crossbow moves up to protect camp and Zoc Heavy Cavalry. This prompts an interesting discussion point. Are you better off just letting the camp be sacked? Here me out. The crossbow unit will delay the heavy cavalry, but at the cost of its own life (baring some really good dice) then the camp gets sacked anyway. Extracting the Heavy Cavalry from the camp, turning it around and getting it back in the fight could take turns. Just saying sometimes you have to let the women and camp supplies burn... for the greater good. There's a dark sentance.

English lights flee Free company Impact knight. They can keep this up all day. In the South, the mediocre pike rout a foot knight, a foot knight routs a mediocre pike. However, there seems to be nastier looking tokens on the pike and a swarm of mediums coming in from the East. English knight decides to leave the Scotts to perish.

Elite and armour are really telling here.

And heavy weapon.

Free company crossbow is used as a speed bump in the North. Combat is engaged in the West and the Knight takes a two hits (he will rally this, and I will be sad). In the South... well in the South I wanted some porcupine like little pic to show the end of the Scottish Foot knight who couldn't get the modifiers against him any higher (shooting tops out at +3) the flank is lost.

Free Company have taken some hits, but it is their turn and payback... well being paid back is generally awesome, like when you lend your mate a $50 for the next round and he remembers without you having to send him 15 seperate texts. If you are reading this... you owe me $50.

I digress. The elite Free Company Foot knights lay waste in the South, leaving the Scotts to wonder why they every agreed to do anything for this upstart pretender to the English Crown. Battle is completely joined in the North and West. There is an interesting thing that happened. Far North a Free company impact knight charges two light horse impact. They don't flee. Why? The factors only put the Knight +1 up and IF the light horse holds then the English heavy cavalry gets a rear charge... he holds, but takes a hit.

English heavy Cavalry rear charges! Will come back to it. Light horse withdraws, other light horse sacks camp. Free Company gets hard flanked in the North, and loses another knight Its all going great. What? South where? I disown all association with the Scots...

There is one Scott left. He is surrounded on three sides.

Okay. Free company Knight is -1 rear charged while damaged. Heavy cavalry is base +1, in the rear +1, impact +1, General involved +1 for a net + FIVE up.

I roll a one, stoopid Free Company knight rolls a five, I have a moment when not all is lost. Then we include the knights better armour turning the five to a six.

I am moderately peeved at this outcome.

Both armies are so wonky there first name could be Willy and have an unusual obsession with children run enterprises.

In the North the Knight fights, draws, and rallies the one hit off it. Peeved is now my word of the day. The last of the Scots are eliminated. I have cunningly neutralised a fair portion of the remaining Free Company army by leaving them nothing to kill, don't look to the camp, please don't.

Elite Knight charges elite Foot knight in the South. Factors are even, English knights takes two hits.

English knight dies. Free Company knight dies.

Both sides are desperately rallying. Both sides lose a unit to being hard flanked.

There are no more photos.


Free company 22 out of 22

War of the Roses 21 out of 22.


I mean, of course I did. I am a tactical genius.

So, lets talk about WHY I won, cause is a little embarrassing. I don't want to blow my own horn, but I am okay at this game. So when I moved two pieces of terrain with rough into easy reach my opponent assumed I had some way of holding it. No way would someone be dumb enough to put a rough covered hill in a commanding position and not have prepared to hold it and use it. Hence the Free Companies decision to flank march with their own medium foot command. They were expecting 3-4 medium sword longbow, or a swarm of lights up hill (javelin light foot uphill are a force to be reckoned with). What he didn't expect that I was going to anchor my line on the hill and use ONE light foot bow to hold the hill, cause that would be crazy.

If they hadn't have flanked march, they would have taken the hill turn 2, and been laying bow fire into my force turn 3. Game changing. As in I would have lost game changing.

And for the life of me, I don't why I put the hill there? I already had the field in the middle of the battlefield. I just went "Weeeeee I can have that hill! Why? Don't know!"

Oh well, a win is a win.



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