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Mongols vs... er Mongols

Hmmmm, these are tough looking Mongols!

Eeeppppp! These Mongols have five knights! An Armenian Ally to give the Mongols some real kick!

Shoot and scoot. Nothing here wants to fight a knight.

Mongols attack! Divert two Mongols to assist with the light horse problem in the West.

Mongols not exactly winning the shooting war, but not loosing it either.

Charge in! Hmmm, not good, not bad. The Bad Mongols centre for this fight is not looking good, but neither are the good Mongols flanks. The knights have been ZoC'd by the good mongol cavalry.

In the next turn the knights will charge. The mongols will roll short, the Knights will roll long. There is a risk (1 in 9) every time you evade from a ZoC'ing knights position, that you get caught. When that happens... well lets see. Firstly the evading units drop a cohesion, then the Knights fight. Mongols are 0 (fighting to rear) -1 due to being disordered. Knights are +2 vs cavalry, +1 impact, +1 rear. For a net of +5. This did not end well for the Mongols. This seemed to have shattered my morale (me the human) that I stopped taking photos. Which is a shame, cause while this is happening I am doing something really dumb in the East and I can't remember exactly what it was! It cost me a light horse and I think some two Mongol cavalry were getting butchered in a combat I started. The Mongols will break through the Mongol on Mongol fight, but the damage done by the knights and whatever stoopid thing I did in the East will break the Mongol (army this time) morale.

The knights rolled long three turns in a row. Even if they hadn't have caught me, I was running out of board. Still, can't blame the dice for my decisions in the East. Think I charged some Bad Mongol cavalry cause I was up one due to shooting, but didn't have a plan for what happens if I don't win in two turns. Cavalry can't break off vs cavalry. So when the fight didn't go perfectly I had sacrificed my troops to flank charges in two turns. I also lost a light horse due to being dumb.

Overall I got a little unlucky, but I also played badly. The West was were I was going to win (meebee) and was suiciding troops in the East.

If your army has a break point of 19 and low cohesion troops you can't afford risks. I need to think more about what happens in the next turn. This goes triple for my light horse. You really don't want to be a light horse in my command. I like to get you killed in pointless exercises!


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